
University 01


Africa’s premier security institute dedicated to excellence. A trusted African brand for years.

Fall 2024 Applications are Now Open

We Prepare Students with The Transformative Experience

Fall 2024 Applications are Now Open

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Welcome to Doyen Institute

The Doyen Institute of Intelligence and Investigations is an advanced security institution in Africa that offers specialized professional programs in various fields including Investigations, Criminal Justice, Criminal Profiling, Military Intelligence, Forensics, Intelligence, Security Management, and other comprehensive security courses.
At our training institute, we uphold the utmost quality standards in everything we do. Our focus is on creating and providing capacity-building solutions that empower individuals in key positions with the essential skills needed to achieve remarkable outcomes in the security industry.

Why Choose Unicamp

We Are One of The Largest, Most Diverse Universities in The USA

Doyen Institute Of
Intelligence & Investigation

We prepare students with the transformative experience.
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