


Our investigative services are performed with the highest level of discretion and professionalism. We excel in uncovering crucial information and delivering detailed reports that aid in legal, corporate, and personal decision-making. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that each investigation is thorough, accurate, and tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Whether it involves background checks, fraud detection, asset searches, or surveillance, our expertise ensures that you have the information necessary to make informed decisions. With our comprehensive investigative services, we provide reliable support to help you navigate complex situations confidently and effectively.

Our Investigations Security Services

Discover a myriad of tailored private investigation services at Doyen. Unraveling mysteries and meeting diverse client needs is our expertise. Explore our array of offerings, crafted just for you.

  1. Surveillance: Monitoring and observing individuals, locations, or activities to gather information discreetly.
  2. Background Checks: Conducting thorough investigations into an individual’s personal, professional, and financial history.
  3. Contact Tracing / Missing Persons Investigations: Locating and tracing individuals who are missing, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.
  4. Asset Searches: Identifying and verifying the assets and liabilities of individuals or businesses for various purposes, such as legal proceedings, debt collection, or due diligence.
  5. Undercover Operations: Infiltrating organizations or groups to gather information on illegal activities, fraud, or other illicit behaviors.
  6. Due Diligence Investigations: Conducting comprehensive research and analysis to evaluate the legitimacy, reputation, and financial stability of individuals or businesses before entering into agreements or partnerships.
  1. Infidelity Investigations: Investigating suspicions of spousal or partner infidelity through surveillance, background checks, and other methods.
  2. Corporate Investigations: Investigating internal issues within a company, such as employee misconduct, fraud, theft, or intellectual property violations.
  3. Insurance Investigations: Verifying the validity of insurance claims through surveillance, interviews, and evidence gathering to prevent fraud.
  4. Child Custody Investigations: Assessing the well-being of children involved in custody disputes and providing evidence to support custody arrangements.
  5. Polygraph Testing: Conducting lie detector tests to determine the truthfulness of individuals regarding specific questions or issues.
  6. Undercover Investigations: Infiltrating specific environments or groups to gather information on illegal activities, employee misconduct, or other issues.
  1. Computer Forensics: Recovering, analyzing, and preserving digital evidence from computers, smartphones, or other electronic devices for legal or investigative purposes.
  2. Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM): Detecting and mitigating electronic eavesdropping devices or other surveillance equipment to protect privacy and confidentiality.
  3. Personal Protection/Bodyguard Services: Providing security and protection to individuals or groups in various environments, such as events, travel, or high-risk situations.
  4. Phone Number Tracking and Location: Tracing the location of a phone number or device, often used to locate missing persons, track suspicious activities, or gather evidence for legal proceedings.
  5. Reconnaissance: Conducting on-the-ground surveillance and reconnaissance to gather information about specific locations, individuals, or activities. This can involve physical surveillance, photography, and detailed observation to provide valuable insights for clients.
  1. Witness Location and Interviews: Finding and interviewing witnesses relevant to legal or investigative matters to obtain testimony or evidence.
  2. Process Serving: Delivering legal documents, such as subpoenas or court orders, to individuals or businesses involved in legal proceedings.
  3. Bug Sweeps: You never know that your office or home was digitally infiltrated by outsiders until your confidentiality has been compromised. We can prevent that from happening by discovering and eliminating hidden surveillance devices.
  4. Social Media (OSINT) Search: Utilizing Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) techniques to gather information from publicly available sources on social media platforms. This can include identifying associations, tracking online activity, and gathering evidence relevant to investigations such as fraud, harassment, or other illicit behaviours.

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