

About us
We are Africa’s cutting-edge security institute
Doyen Institute of Intelligence and Investigations is one of Africa's leading security institutes, offering specialized professional programs in Investigations, Criminal Justice, Criminal Profiling, Military Intelligence, Forensics, Intelligence, Security Management, and other in-depth security programs. ​ Our training institute is established and operates according to the highest quality standards. We design and deliver capacity-building solutions that equip the right people in the right places with the right skills to make anything possible in the security industry. Our training institute is established and operates according to the highest quality standards. We design and deliver capacity-building solutions that equip the right people in the right places with the right skills to make anything possible in the security industry.

Our Target Audience

These programs are designed for professionals in law
enforcement, intelligence agencies, financial institutions,
private organizations, and individuals seeking
comprehensive understanding in security, safety,
intelligence and investigations.
• Leaders of security organizations.
• Senior government officials.
• Security personnel both in the public and private
• The staff of corporate organizations.
• Private individuals (civilians)

Visiting Doyen Institute

At Doyen Institute of Intelligence and Investigations, we are committed to spirited learning, growth, and professional development. We empower our students to ask insightful questions, explore disciplinary boundaries, and confront conventional ways of thinking. We invite you to learn more about us and discover an education built for you.

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